All online ticket sales are closed as we are now in the middle of setting up the event. Tickets can be purchased at the door both during Athlete Check-ins and the day of the event.
There are plenty of tickets, the event is NOT sold out.
Friday Checkins are from 6pm to 8pm
Tickets can be picked up or purchased
Saturday Event:
Prejudging - Tickets onsale at 8:15am, doors open at 8:30am. Judging starts at 9am.
Evening Finals - Tickets onsale at 4:15pm, doors open at 4:30pm. Judging starts at 5pm.
All tickets are GENERAL ADMISSION and will be placed into WILL CALL to avoid any shipping or delivery delays. You can also purchase tickets during Friday Checkins or at the doors on Saturday.
General admission seating. All tickets are $30 plus $2 service fee. All tickets be available to pick up at WILL CALL Friday during checkins or starting at 8:30am Saturday. Doors will open at 8:30 AM. Prejudging starts at 9:00 AM. RULES FOR TICKET HOLDERS: #1. No one may save seats. Seating is first come first serve and will be enforced, with removal for noncompliance. #2. There is no discount for purchasing at the doors. Tickets are non refundable. All ticket sales at the door are Cash Only and do not have a $2 service fee. All ticket sales are non refundable.
General admission seating. All tickets are $40 plus $2 service fee. All tickets be available to pick up at WILL CALL Friday during checkins or starting at 8:30am Saturday. Doors will open at 4:30 AM. Prejudging starts at 5:00 PM. RULES FOR TICKET HOLDERS: #1. No one may save seats. Seating is first come first serve and will be enforced, with removal for noncompliance. #2. There is no discount for purchasing at the doors. All ticket sales are non refundable.
All Backstage Trainers Passes for backstage access will be available during Friday evening Check-Ins. These allow your trainers backstage and also into the show. Please Note: All trainers and backstage help must now have an active NPC or IFBB Pro Card. The cost for a Trainers Pass is $120 per pass. All trainers passes are non refundable.
All "Backstage Pass" holders are required to have an active NPC or IFBB Pro card via the NPC rules. No trainer, coach, make-up or hair stylist is allowed backstage without an active NPC or IFBB Pro card and Backstage Pass. Backstage Passes can be purchased at the competitor checkin in on Friday evening and Saturday morning after showing a form of proof of an active NPC or IFBB Pro card.
Anyone other than the NPC Oregon event staff members who would like to access the pump-up/backstage area will need to purchase a “Backstage Pass”. The charge is $125 for each band. The bands are permanent, and non-interchangeable. Trainers/Backstage Passes are located at the ticket booth. Please give your name to the attendants for the Will Call, or make your wristband purchase there.
» Pump Room Rules:
Anyone other than NPC Oregon event staff members who would like to access the pump-up/backstage area will need to purchase a “Backstage Pass”. The charge is $120 for each band. The bands are permanent, and non-interchangeable. The access wristbands can ONLY be purchased at competitor check-in on Friday evening or Saturday morning. Trainers/Backstage Passes are located at the ticket booth. Please give your name to the attendants for the Will Call, or make your wristband purchase there.
Entrance/admission for only person per trainers pass (person wearing pass). If you are not a competitor or trainer with a pass, you must have a ticket to enter the event. An exception to purchasing a Backstage Pass is the event guest poser & his/her assistant. Our policy is to provide one Backstage Pass to each trainer for every 10 clients. To arrange your Backstage Pass before the competition, please email a listing of your intended competitors at least two weeks prior to the event. Please make certain they are confirmed to compete in the show.
The Backstage Pass will be in a specific person's name and will need to be picked up Friday evening or Saturday morning. There will be a will-call/backstage pass table at the ticket booth. Please give your name to the attendants at will-call or make your backstage pass purchase at the table.
You must have your backstage pass at all times. Any tampering with the pass or sharing the pass will require you to purchase another backstage pass or be removed from the competition.
Listen and follow all instructions and please be respectful of event staff.
No trainers are allowed to the stage or in the staging area past the doors leading to the stage. You must work with your client in the pump-up room or hallway. When an expeditor calls competitors into a class lineup to bring to them on stage, you will need to exit the pump-up area into the showroom if you want to watch your client. You are not allowed to walk through the stage area.
Anyone other than NPC Oregon event staff members who would like to be backstage will be required to have a backstage pass.
The event expeditors may remove any unruly individuals upon the expeditor’s discretion. Please mind your manners, language, and follow the rules and be respectful of all other individuals during the NPC Oregon production.
If you have sponsored a class or an overall award and are presenting, you will be given access to the stage area. You will escorted to the staging area by an NPC Oregon staff member.